Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Seventh Tuesday weigh-in

229.0 lb

Gain of 0.5 lb from last week. Net loss of 7.5 lbs My revised goal is to lose an additional 7 lbs to weigh 222 lbs, by January 29th. The revision is necessary as it is no longer realistic to lose the weight by my original date of January 6th.

I am actually happy with this considering how much junk I ate last week and how I exercised only once (if you don't count snow shoveling.) I am not happy that my goal date slipped; I like to do what I say I am going to do unless circumstances beyond my control prevent it. This case I am in control and did not plan and focus enough on my goal as the weeks progressed to reach it. For me it requires daily thoughts and planning to be successful, slip up one day and it is 3 or more days before I get back on track again.

I got to do better with exercise and food this week because I will cut off a limb before I weigh 230 lb again.

One update I am excited about, the $75 in-wall HDMI cable in the basement is working perfectly with my XBOX360, WHAAAHOOO! All I needed was to hook up a $20 HDMI booster I got on amazon.com properly and bingo.

Now I need to decide what kind of receiver and sound system to put down there, and build some shelves for it... along with finishing the garage so I can park in it again, moving the office downstairs, start my million dollar business, and convert the old office into a room for the baby.


Christina said...

Congrats on figuring out the HDMI cable. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think it is better to revise than to give up. I do it all the time and the goal still gets accomplished. Being adaptable is key for me. Not excuses, but realistic expectations. Think of how much you would weigh had you not made this goal for yourself!

I would be happy to come and help on a Saturday morning to help move office stuff or help ready the baby room :)

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
