Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sixth Tuesday weigh-in

228.5 lb

Loss of 0.5 lb from last week. Net loss for six weeks is 8 lb. My goal is to lose an additional 6.5 lb to weigh 222 lb. by January 6th.

Well if my delay theory holds, then I should have expected this week's weigh in to be disappointing. I have thrown away so much junk food this week it is incredible. Plate after plate of cookies, brownies, rice crispy treats, chocolate, peppermint, pretzels, and pastries... I admit I did sample some of the food gifts neighbors brought, which is most likely why I am only 0.5lb down instead of 2 lb as I planned. I am glad to be down rather than the same or up. This coming week is Christmas holiday and party city. I plan to have healthy options available (like hummus and vegetable trays) and plan to workout extra to offset the extra calories. If I am careful I could be down 10 lbs by new years. I did set an aggressive goal and it is looking like I may not hit it, but as I said before, I am swimming toward it rather than treading water or allowing the waves of life to push me further away.


Christina said...

And even if you don't finish by your goal, you are still going to reach it - just a little later.

Anonymous said...

You are eight pounds lighter! You are shrinking! This is awesome Harley.

Thanks for swapping us fitness equipment for a while. I rode for 45 sweaty minutes today, the most I have worked out since the incident at the Bash. It felt sooo good.

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
