Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fifth Tuesday weigh-in

229.0 lb

Loss of 2.5 lb from last week. Net loss for five weeks is 7.5 lb. My goal is to lose an additional 7 lb to weigh 222 lb by January 6th, 2009. Incredible, I am so happy with this progress because I was really worried about what I would weigh this week. I stayed up late and missed 4 of the 6 planned morning workouts. I had four parties and family coming in from Cedar City. I had a sick daughter.

One hazard I have to avoid is getting overconfident. Really, this past week I figured I had gained some weight especially considering the roasted turkey dinner, Cafe Rio, Sunday brunch, and Sunday dinner party. It is weird that some weeks I feel like I am sacrificing like crazy and end up the same weight or higher and other weeks I don't feel like I "diet'd" much but end up down 2.5 lbs. It is almost like my body is on a delay and the weight this week is a reflection of what I did or didn't do two weeks previous. If that is the case next week is going to be depressing.

I drank plenty of water to keep from retaining water and to try and fill up on zero calories as much as possible. I hit the restroom a lot this week because of that. I get dehydrated in the winter. Because it is cool, I don't think to or feel a need to drink water. I end up with parched lips and start overeating junk because I think I am hungry when I am really just thirsty. I avoided soda all but one day and skipped lunch on Monday and Tuesday because of the extra calories I ate on Saturday and Sunday.

Wish me luck.


Hillary said...

You are doing great!! I know you can reach your goal

Christina said...

You did great while we were there, but you're right, vacations and holidays mess up good eating habits!

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I am impressed that you have been doing so great and staying on the wagon. Keep it up!

Hillary said...

I am anxiously awaiting the next weigh-in... its my Tuesday tradition

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
