Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tenth Tuesday weigh-in

228.0 lb

Loss of 1.0lb from last week. My goal was to lose 6.5 more lb to weigh 222 lb on January 27th

Finally, down a pound. It would have been more but I discovered Rebecca's hidden stash of Pure Cane sugar Dr Pepper from Waco, TX. That stuff is so good! I did well on staying away from store bought candy, but I did splurge some on Rebecca's homemade-from-scratch chocolate birthday cake with ice cream and Hannah's cherry pie Sunday. I threw some cake away so I would not eat it. I also did well on workouts, missing one workout of six on Monday. I am slowly adding back in weight lifting, I was so sore just from lifting upper body that I am waiting to start lower body. Rebecca is so helpful but I really need to step it up because she is getting me out of bed every morning during the week. That won't happen once the baby arrives and I really need for my exercise to continue because, once I stop, it is months before I finally start up again.

One big challenge is sleep, when I play video games until 3:00 AM; I can't get up to workout in the morning and my sleep schedule is thrown off. I probably don't help my goals by staying up so late but I will be grumpy if I never get to relax and play games. Life is not as good without junk food and video games occasionally.

Since I have not been losing at the pace I was hoping, I am again revising my goal to compensate for lost time. New goal is 222 lb by February 17th. which is slightly less than 2 lb per week. My plan to accomplish this is to eat only what is served on my plate (no second trips, no finishing Eleanor's food.) I think it is going to be neat to compare the Tuesday I started with the Tuesday next November 52 weeks from then.


Christina said...

Good work. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Not finishing the girls food is a hard one for me. I still am not over the wasting food thing, I just can't do it yet. Throwing away that cake would have been a miracle for me. I commend you!

Hillary said...

That cake was WAAAAAYYYYY to ggod to throw away - call me next time. I'll take a bullet for you.

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
