Thursday, March 13, 2008

Austin TX

Live music capital of the world. Rebecca says their is a music
convention (SXSW) happening right now where musicians from across the world (
or galaxy ??? ) converge here in Austin to... I guess play music and
start the next big bands and create the newest sounds that music
producers and pop idols will eventually imitate, rip off and profit
from, all while those who love their craft plan the next trip to the
annual music convention to begin the cycle anew.

Now I am working for client 3 and client 2, I am naming them with
numbers because sometimes clients need to get on my computer and I do
not want to intentionally expose other customer identities. So if I go
to Pepsi, I do not have a dozen Coke project folders on my system that
raise the blood pressure of the Pepsi folks. (This scenario has almost
happened already.) Client 3 is a nice place to work (as a contractor)
free soda, free candy, free coffee, on-site cafeteria, on-site
daycare, on-site sport courts, on-site HIKING TRAIL, on-site MAGIC
GENIE!!!11!!!one Ok, that last one was made up, but the hiking trail
is real. This place has so many on-site perks, it is a wonder how they
fit in the actual offices. It makes Novell's offices look a little
smaller and in some ways a little pathetic to me. What's next?


Anonymous said...

Glad they are taking care of you- the hiking trail sounds interesting- pictures?

I knew the SXSW was going on now- I have a couple friends who live there. I am jealous but glad that there is so much to do there right now.

Christina said...

I want some hiking trails, not just a concrete jungle. But I guess that's my problem. Enjoy!

Harley said...

Pictures would be good, Rebecca and I forget the camera a lot. It is an epidemic problem. I will improve.

Hillary said...

I would love to go to the SXSW!! Randy and I often daydream about moving to Austin. If we ever left Utah, it is one of the only places I could see us living. The history of the city alone i so intriguing... Willie Nelson used to drive all night to play Austin, get completely drink and stoned playing at some honky tonk and then drive back to Abbot the same night. Now that' rock n' roll!

Harley said...

Their is this place called the Water Tank, it is my personal goal to get Rebecca to go there on a Wednesday because it has live music. Live music and burgers! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Speaking of Willie Nelson, your Step Great Uncle Murley Plunkett went to the same First United Methodist Church as Willie N and gave us a whole bunch of info about growing around him on the way to Riverdance. I kept thinking, Hillary would be loving this crap.

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
