Monday, May 26, 2008

Novell Gym

Seeing Hillary's blog about the BlendTec gym has jogged my memory. I remember working out at the free gym at Novell. I liked doing it on Sunday morning, the entire gym was empty almost every time I went. I would rip a personal mix of mp3s to CD format and take it down to the gym. I could walk through empty halls of Building B and into the quiet locker room. Then I would grab a towel, pop the disc into the stereo system, and blast some hard rock while pumping free weights. The place was completely empty, it was so very nice. I would drive from American Fork to Provo Sunday after Sunday to have that experience. I brought Rebecca with me after we started dating. Sharing that experience with her brought my heart closer to her. We would do lunges together side by side. Knowing some basic tips about technique I could pretend to be some kind of exercise expert answering questions she didn't ask me. I never recorded some of the things we did together while dating and while we were engaged. I am glad to have this blog to start recording treasured experiences of my life. After getting engaged we got a membership at Lehi Legacy Center and going to Novell's gym no longer happened. Here in Austin their are some gyms at the hotel, they are often empty too. Rebecca found a great site to track what you eat and keep from overeating called the daily plate. I love that site and have been using for about a week. Take some time to check it out and while you are at it check out mvelopes as well, both sites were found by Rebecca and both have had (or are presently having) a large impact on my life.


Hillary said...

I really like working out in a quiet clean gym. I used to work out at the Orem Rec Center and it was always crowded and not very clean. I checked out myplate and I signed up - pretty cool website. I added you as friend, but I couldn't find Rebecca.

Harley said...

she is their I think under rmcdaniel username

Christina said...

I love going to the gym when it is empty, too. I find that I am a distraction to the men when I go here in my building (I'm so spoiled and I hardly use it!). The first time I noticed them staring at me in the mirrors / windows instead of looking out at the Manhattan skyline, I almost fell off the machine I was using. Am I really more interesting than the Empire State Building?

Keep up the good work, I look forward to your progress reports.

Harley said...

Christina, next time you are at the gym, wear clothes.

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
