Tuesday, January 19, 2010

62nd Tuesday weigh-in

222.0 lb

Yay I am down again. I have a monthly weigh-in next week with with my impersonal trainer so I hope to post some good numbers there. I also did check my bodyfat at the annual Lehi legacy center fitness expo: it was 23.1 % which is less than it was back in January of 2009 but not by much, only about 0.4% lower. However this year I did the fitness test as well. I did 25 push-ups in 30 seconds which I am pretty confident I would not have been able to do last January.


Christina said...

Wow! You are doing great, and your fitness level is increasing, too. This partial bed rest is driving me crazy, I feel like I'm losing fitness levels!

Harley said...

Thanks, I just ran 3.5 miles in 30 minutes... not a world record but much improvement for me personally. Take care of yourself, your physical health should a top priority, just ask anyone who has lost theirs.

I cringe when I see the price of vegetables or have to pay a gym membership sometimes (when compared with candy/soda or a new video game), but now I just think of it as an investment against paying for future health issues. Grapefruit is cheaper than diabetes or blood pressure medicine.

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Lead Java Developer Husband and Father
