Gain of 1.5 lb from last week.
Bah! I exercised the full week, as well as, lifted weights four of my planned five times. I drank diet shakes at lunch. It is funny how I can remember all the good choices I make in a 7 day period but forget all the bad ones. The scale can kiss it!
Truth is I did drink waaaaaay to much Dr Pepper last weekend, so I plan to reign that back in. I snacked too much on junk food on a game night (but worth it.) I usually have a snickers bar to celebrate a weekly weight loss, so I didn't have one this time. But I still drank a single 12 oz can of pure cane Dr Pepper (real liquid gold) since I kept up on my weight training and cardio. I really have to come to terms with my eating habits and food weaknesses because it is the only thing left holding me back as far as I can tell. Rebecca tried to be supportive and say that I gained muscle, but I doubt that I have 1.5 lbs of additional muscle in one week. One positive in all this is: for the past seven weeks I have been able to report the same weight or a loss.
On another note, some of my coworkers are doing a sprint triathlon in March... they want me to do it with them. I doubt I would be ready to especially since the baby is due so soon.